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No, I'm not talking about going to the mall, spending a few hours roaming in and out of stores until you find that now item that you just can't live without. I am talking about grocery shopping! Not fun? Well we can make it a little more enjoyable, and I am going to share some suggestions with you.

First suggestions, only buy what you need, make a list and stick to it. This way you won't spend more time than necessary in the store, and you don't come home with all this food that might go to waste or you have no business eating (I know you all now what I am talking about). Also, it saves you money for the next time you do go to the mall! When you go into the grocery store without list, you start going up and down every isle searching for something and loading your cart with miscellaneous items that you don't need.

Second suggestion, each time you go into the store buy a new food you haven't ever had before. Not processed food, but a new vegetable or fruit, a new fish you haven't ever tried or meat, a seasoning that you are curious about. When you get home look it up and see how best to prepare it, cut it, or eat it.

Third suggestion, pay attention to what you are buying, this also saves time but it also helps get your creativity juices flowing. How best to prepare, and what courses you want to put together for your meal.

The fourth suggestion and last is to be okay with making several smaller trip to the store for the week. This way you don't have to worry about getting it all in one day and trying to plan for the whole week. Sometimes when you plan so far ahead you forget or something comes up and you go out to eat and some of the food your purchased goes to waste. Also, the food will be a little fresher. Enjoy your grocery store trip and feed your mind!

Hash Brown Patties

4 cups shredded peeled potato

¼ cup sliced green onion (sliced thin)

¼ cup chopped green pepper (or any color)

2 tbsp cornstarch

¼ tsp salt

¼ tsp black pepper

¼ tsp onion powder

Olive oil in a spritz bottle


Preheat oven to 475 degrees

In a large bowl place shredded potato and cold water and let stand for 5 minutes.  Drain and rinse potatoes, dry thoroughly with paper towel. Place potato, onions and bell pepper in a bowl, add the cornstarch, salt and black pepper; toss until well combined.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, form the potato mixture into 3 inch round patties. Try to leave the potato patty loose.  Spritz the top of each patty several times with the olive oil.

Bake at 475 for 20 minutes, turn the patties and continue baking for an additional 15 minutes.

*You can also throw some chicken or sausage for some animal protein or throw an egg on top.

Hash Brown Patties

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