My early morning walks I take have become my mind clearing, soul connecting conversations with self and whoever else is listening?!?! During this time I like to mention three things each morning I am grateful for, and I found myself saying that I was grateful for time. Who does that???? Most of the time we find ourselves working against time, moving against it, there is never enough time, time goes by too fast, what time is it?? In these instances we let time run our lives, allowing time to take control, feeling that we are out of control with our days and lives when it comes to time.
Too often it feels as though the hours turn into days, the days turn to months, the months turn to years and suddenly, the days of our lives have passed in the blink of an eye. Perhaps there is a reality... one where we don't think of time as something separate to us. What if time is actually a product of us?? What if time originates from us, and not the other way around? Feeling that it is too late, or that you have missed out or that things aren't happening quickly enough. Comparisons lead to a sense of failure or lack of joy. Pining for youth or lamenting time lost through unwise choices. Set a priority or release yourself from anxiety by weighing up what will really matter in a week, a year or a decade!!
Then start look at time in a positive light, the time you have been given in this lifetime to do all the things that feel good. Each day is a gift, live in the present, make the most of what you have been given each and every new day. But, you do not have to get it all done in a day, chances are you will be given a tomorrow. Make the most of each day, knowing that there will be another, no pressure, live with intention each day, and when that day is done, know that it was a day well spent. Time helps guide us, it helps us navigate our lives and gives us some structure. It lets us know what day it is, what season we are in, how old we are... Find some peace with time, there are no expectations of where you should be right now!!
Taco Salad
1 lb ground turkey
Brown the turkey meat, then add 2 tbsp of taco seasoning. I make my own and just quadruple the recipe so I have some for the next few times I want taco meat. Taco seasoning recipe below.
*taco seasoning-
1 tbsp chili powder
¼ tsp garlic powder
¼ tsp onion powder
¼ tsp dried oregano
½ tsp paprika
1 ½ tsp ground cumin
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
Chopped greens of choice, The greener and more variety the better. I used spring mix and kale.
chopped bell pepper, red, yellow or orange.
chopped carrots
chopped celery
chopped green or purple onion
*The amount of chopped vegetables depends on how many you will be serving, or how much you want in your own.
Crushed or broken up tortilla chips or plantain chips
avocado diced
¼ cup oil
¼ cup water
2 chopped green onions
1 bunch cilantro, chopped
3 cloves garlic
½ tsp salt
Juice of 2 limes
½ cup greek yogurt (optional) or nut based yogurt (plain or greek)
Place ingredients into a food processor, process until mostly smooth.
Drizzle the dressing over the salad, and toss until well coated, add the chips last. Serve with the chips on top. (if you toss too early they can get soggy in the dressing.)
